
To be a part of a process in which clients heal wounds, enact change, and grow as humans is nothing short of magical – it’s why I do what I do and I strive to offer a judgment free, genuine, and accepting place to do those things. I deeply believe in the value of human relationships, the power of empathy and sincerity, and I see people as experts of their own lives, capable of more than we tend to believe. While I have been trained in a variety of theoretical frameworks, I use different approaches to best fit the needs of my clients. Though a few of my favorites are emotional focused therapy, interpersonal therapy and person-centered therapy.

I have enjoyed working with individuals experiencing life adjustments, anxiety, depression, and trauma. I have experience helping couples struggling with communication, infidelity, disconnection in the relationship, sexual concerns, divorce or separation, and other life events. I have a special interest in working with women in areas of self-esteem, assertiveness, perfectionism, and attachment. I also have previous experience working with those who are or who have experienced domestic violence.

I am also trained in EMDR, a treatment that can be used to alleviate symptoms related to trauma or to reprocess distressing life-events.

Teia Kopari | Email [email protected] | Call 612-825-4792